Current Clear Sky and Astronomical Weather Conditions
Below you will find Clear Sky Charts and AccuWeather forecasts for astronomical observation. For information on guided stargazing at Trout Point, click here.
The Clear Sky Chart is the astronomers forecast for a specific place. It shows at a glance when, in the next 48 hours, we might expect clear and dark skies for one specific observing site. Each chart is specifically intended for amateur astronomers. The data comes a forecast model developed by Allan Rahill of the Canadian Meteorological Center.
Read from left to right. Locate a column of blue blocks. That's when the sky will likely to be clear and dark. A more detailed explanation is here, but the short version is: the clear sky chart predicts hourly cloud cover, atmospheric transparency and seeing. (Good "seeing" occurs when the air is steady enough to allow you to see fine detail on planets through a telescope.) That means you can plan whether to observe galaxies or planets or stay home and process image data. You can click on each chart for more detailed explanation.
The Clear Sky Chart is the astronomers forecast for a specific place. It shows at a glance when, in the next 48 hours, we might expect clear and dark skies for one specific observing site. Each chart is specifically intended for amateur astronomers. The data comes a forecast model developed by Allan Rahill of the Canadian Meteorological Center.
Read from left to right. Locate a column of blue blocks. That's when the sky will likely to be clear and dark. A more detailed explanation is here, but the short version is: the clear sky chart predicts hourly cloud cover, atmospheric transparency and seeing. (Good "seeing" occurs when the air is steady enough to allow you to see fine detail on planets through a telescope.) That means you can plan whether to observe galaxies or planets or stay home and process image data. You can click on each chart for more detailed explanation.